Presently India owns portfolio of 6281 dams (6138 operational and 143 under construction). About 80% of existing dams are more than 25 years old. Central Dam Safety Organization (CDSO) under Central Water Commission (CWC) is mandated to extend all the technical support to State Dam Safety Organizations (SDSO) of all States for ensuring the safety of dams. CDSO has published several guidelines to assist SDSOs for achieving this goal. Dam Safety inspection is an important and integral part for sustained safety of the important structures. Guidelines for Dam Safety Inspection published recently, cover all aspects related with dam safety inspections which are required to be conducted by dam owners at regular interval by Dam Safety Review Panels (DSRPs) for comprehensive inspections. Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) has taken an initiative and directed CWC to empanel dam safety experts for assisting all dam owners. DSRPs comprising experts in different disciplines associated with dams are being constituted by each State and other dam owners. CWC is inviting experienced and qualified personnel to register and upload their resume. SDSOs may select members from the register of such experts and constitute DSRPs as per their requirements and procedures.
Qualification and experience requirements suggested for enlistment of experts are given below.
The applications will be reviewed by the Empanelment Committee under the Chairmanship of Member (D&R), CWC and select the experts for enlistment and inclusion in the register of accredited experts. In order to ensure uniformity and standardization of composition, each DSRP shall essentially have a Chairman and Members from the domain experts. The detailed terms and conditions along with remuneration will be decided by respective State Governments (SDSOs) or other Dam Owning Agencies. The enrolment shall be valid initially for a period of 3 years. Interested personnel are invited to register and upload the resume in the prescribed format. The form may be downloaded and filled ofline and uploaded or directly filled online. (download the form from the link provided below).
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Resume for enlisting of Experts by CWC as Members of the Dam Safety Review Panels (DSRP) for Safety Inspection of Dams | (Download Qualification Criteria) (Download the application form) |
Click here for registering for enlistment as Dam Safety Expert |
Sl. No. | Experts | Minimum Qualification | Experience |
1. |
Dam Safety Expert |
B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Civil Engg. Preferably Master Degree in Geotechnical Engg. / Geological Engg. / Water Resources Engineering/Hydrology or Master degree in Geology or Engineering Geology |
· Experience in handling dam safety related issues of minimum of 5 number of large dam projects · Additional weightage in case candidate had been a member of team that handled disasters of any type (especially related to dam disasters) at national and international level. · Have at least 15 years of related experience in design, construction, safety evaluation, and/or operation of dams. Experience of rehabilitation of old dam structures would get additional weightage. · Professional experience of inspection of dams, instrumentation, emergency action planning etc. |
2. |
Design Expert |
B.E./B. Tech. or equivalent degree in Civil Engg. Preferably Master Degree in Structural Engg. / Hydraulic Engg. / Water Resources Development |
· Experience in planning and designs for minimum of five large dam projects. · Have at least 15 years of related experience in planning and design of large dam projects. · Experience of rehabilitation of old dam structures would get additional weightage. |
3. |
Construction Supervision Expert |
B.E./B. Tech. or equivalent in Civil Engg. Preferably Master Degree in Structural Engg. / Hydraulic Engg. / Water Resources Development |
· Experience of Construction, Work Supervision and Quality Assurance for a minimum of 5 large dams. · Experience of rehabilitation of old dam structures would get additional weightage. · Professional experience of at least 15 years in construction of dam projects. |
4. |
Geologist |
Master Degree in Geology / Engineering Geology |
· Experience of handling various geological aspects of minimum of 5 large dam projects. · Professional experience of at least 15 years in dealing with engineering geological aspects of water resources projects |
5. |
Hydrologist |
B.E./B. Tech. or equivalent in Civil Engg, Preferably Master Degree in Hydrology / Hydraulic Engg. / Water Resources Development |
· Experience in dealing with hydrological planning of major dam projects especially design flood estimation, review of design flood, design storm inputs, sedimentation aspects etc. of at least 10 large dam projects. · Additional weightage for an expert having exposure to various relevant hydrological modelling tools, work done for dam break modelling, inundation mapping, development of emergency action plan and its implementation etc. · Professional experience of at least 15 years in dealing with hydrological aspects of water resources projects |
6. |
Hydro-Mechanical Expert |
B.E./B. Tech. or equivalent. in Civil / Mech. Engg. Preferably Master Degree in Structural Engg. / Water Resources Development |
· Experience in planning and design of Gates & Hoists for a minimum of 5 large dam projects. · Experience in rehabilitation of spillway gates, under-sluice gates, emergency gates, erection of H.M. works etc. would get additional weightage. · Demonstrate relevant experience during the last 10 years prior to empanelment · Professional experience of at least 15 years in designs of HM Works of large dam projects and especially works done at detail engineering projects and rehabilitation HM works done. |
7. |
Instrumentation Expert |
B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent in Civil Engg. Preferably Master Degree in Structural Engg. / Water Resources Development, or Master Degree in Physics |
· Experience in planning and installation of all kinds of dam instruments for a minimum of three large dam projects. · Demonstrate relevant experience during the last 10 years prior to applying for empanelment. Experience of rehabilitation of old dam structures would get additional weightage. · Professional experience of at least 20 years in design of dam projects. |
8. |
Seismic Expert |
B.E./B. Tech. or equivalent in Civil Engg. Preferably Master Degree in Structural Engg. / Physics. / Water Resources Development or Master degree in Geology/ Engineering Geology |
· Experience in planning and designs for minimum of five large dam projects accounting for seismic loadings, having the exposure of time history series as well as seismic spectra will be an additional advantage. Also work done for site specific seismic design parameters would be given additional weightage · Demonstrate relevant experience during the last 10 years prior to applying for empanelment. Experience of rehabilitation of old dam structures would get additional weightage. · Professional experience of at least 15 years in design of dam projects. |
9. |
Architecture Planning and Landscaping Expert |
B.Arch. degree in Architecture and Planning preferably M. Arch degree in architecture |
· Experience in architectural planning, design and landscaping of Water Resources Projects · Additional weightage for any work related to tourism development done for any dam which may include planning, design, supervision during construction, and any other works related to it · Professional experience of at least 15 years in activities related to Architecture planning and landscaping. · Demonstrate relevant experience during the last 10 years prior to applying for empanelment |
@ 2025 Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project Phase II and III