Kerala Water Resources Department

Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) originally envisaged the rehabilitation and improvement of about 198 dam Project within four states - namely, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Tamil Nadu - with provision for taking up some more dams in other states; the actual numbers may vary owing to the addition / deletion of dams during implementation (click current status).

Kerala has 54 large dam projects including 12 Hydro Electric Projects (HEPs) consisting of a cluster of dams. Out of the existing dams, 20 dams are operated and maintained by Kerala Water Resources Department (KWRD). KWRD has identified 16 dams for rehabilitation and improvement under DRIP.

Restoration of the above 16 dams along with activities of Institutional Strengthening and Project Management in KWRD is proposed to be covered under the DRIP at revised estimated cost of Rs. 360 Crore. The number of dams under DRIP and financial outlay may vary during implementation (click current status).

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