Project Components

Component I - Rehabilitation And Improvement of Dams And Associated Appurtenances : This component focuses on structural and non-structural measures at 736 dam projects, many of which are more than 25 years old. The number of dams identified for inclusion in the project is based on proposals received from the 19 States and three Central agencies. The States have reviewed the status of their dam health based on safety inspections and identified such dams that are in urgent need of rehabilitation and improvement to ensure their future safety and operational efficiency. These proposed dams shall be inspected by a Group of Dam Safety Experts and their recommendations will be the basis for framing the rehabilitation plans. Also, there would be a provision for States to substitute a few of the selected dams with other dams based on the recommendation of expert panels, in case of any higher safety concerns.

The proposed interventions include, but not limited to, such works as: Treatment for the reduction of seepage through masonry, earthen and concrete dams by upstream pointing, grouting and upstream geo-membrane, etc. Improving dam drainage through reaming/drilling of drainage holes in the dam body as well as the foundation; treatment for cracks in the dam, etc. Improving the ability to withstand higher floods, by making provisions for additional flood handling facilities as required by the hydrological review. Non-structural measures to cater for higher design floods in case structural measures are not feasible. Rehabilitation and improvement of spillways crests/glacis/piers, head regulators, replacement of spillway gates, under sluice gates and their operating mechanisms, stilling basins, and downstream spillway channels including spillway buckets, etc. Improving parapet walls, turfing on downstream faces of few earthen dams, access roads, etc. Pre-rehabilitation investigations like underwater inspection through ROVs, geophysical investigations/sonic tomography, drones-based mapping of inaccessible parts of dams, physical modelling, bathymetry surveys, advanced numerical modelling, etc.

Improvement and establishment of dam instrumentation, surveillance, SCADA, automation, and control system, etc. Preparation and implementation of asset management plans, emergency preparedness plans, emergency warning systems, public awareness campaigns, and vulnerability assessment of downstream floodplains, inundation mapping of concerned dams, etc.Operators of dams, State design organizations, and Engineering cells in Water Resources Departments (WRDs) and State Electricity Boards (SEBs) will provide design services and day-to-day construction supervision and quality assurance support. Consulting services for more complicated dam safety issues, identification of the cause of these issues and comprehensive solutions, third party independent construction supervision services and quality assurance, as well as project management services, etc. would be provided by the Engineering and Management Consultant engaged by Central Water Commission.

Component II - Dam Safety Institutional Strengthening : This component focuses on regulatory and technical frameworks for dam safety assurance. The various activities which are being proposed under this component include, but not limited to: Targeted national training programs at various levels (at the National Water Academy in Pune & other reputed institutes and the participating States).

International training programs for officials of Project Agencies to give the exposure to best dam safety practices, advancement in construction materials and instrumentation, knowledge exchange, regulation, and policies, etc. as a part of long-term capacity building in dam safety management.

Development of appropriate skills and modern tools to adequately operate and maintain dams. Study tours/exposure visits (National and International) to meet focused objectives. A long-term association with the global leading agencies/dam owners in various countries that have advanced dam safety programs such as in the United States (USBR/USACE/FEMA/ASDSO/USGS), Canada (BC Hydro), Netherlands (Deltares), Australia (ANCOLD/Hydro Tasmania), Switzerland/Spain (Swiss/Spanish Committee on Large Dams), ICOLD and Japan (Japan Water Agency), etc. for exchange of skill, information, and knowledge sharing in dam safety management areas .Collaborating programs with leading international agencies for dam safety projects within the country and outside. Development of standard course materials/training modules for specific aspects of dam safety for various levels. Operation of independent dam safety review panels for a few selected iconic dams under the central component. Development of feasibility plans on a pilot basis for few important reservoirs to explore de-siltation to restore the original capacity. Development of Management Information Systems (MIS) to efficiently manage the DRIP activities and create a resource bank for day-to-day implementation and monitoring of Scheme and use this experience for improvement in long term planning and guiding of dam operations. Further improvement and operationalization of the web-based asset management tool i.e. Dam Health and Rehabilitation Monitoring Application (DHARMA) to capture important health data of large dams that will render systematic storage, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation for effective monitoring of the health of dams and initiation of application of AI in dam safety management. Revision of existing guidelines and preparation of new guidelines on dam safety. Comprehensive Risk Assessment Studies of few selected DRIP Dams. Updation and a further improvement in Seismic Hazard Assessment Information System (SHAISYS) to enhance Seismic preparedness of Country in the dam safety area, in collaboration with USGS. Capacity building of the select central institutions for enhancing their expertise in providing support to dam owners in various dam safety areas under Central Component of DRIP (CWC component). Public Outreach programs/awareness programs/stakeholder consultation meetings.

Component III - Innovative Financing through Incidental Revenue Generation. : This is a new component being introduced in DRIP phase II & III on a pilot basis to explore the revenue generation potential at some of the selected dams. It is also proposed to tweak the policies of the state government to utilize part of the revenue so generated towards its maintenance. However, the concept still being in the nascent stage its deliverables are difficult to quantify at this stage.

Component IV - Project Management : It is proposed to have a robust monitoring mechanism at different levels. However, the overall responsibility for project oversight and coordination would be entrusted to CWC. The Dam Safety Organization (DSO) of CWC will act as the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU). Chief Engineer, DSO, CWC will act as the Project Director, DRIP, Phase-II & III. The DSO would be assisted by a team of officers from CWC and an Engineering and Management consulting firm. Each participating State and Agency will establish the Project Management Unit (PMU) headed by the Chief Engineer in charge of the Dam Safety Organisation. This Unit will act as a single window, having overall responsibility for coordination and management of the project at the State level. It is also proposed to have meetings of the Technical Committee, National Level Steering Committee (NLSC) and World Bank Review Mission at regular intervals to monitor the overall progress of the DRIP. It would be a continuing activity until the closure of the project.


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